Ash stands out as one of Scotland's toughest and most resilient native hardwoods. Its strength and flexibility make it an incredibly versatile timber, well-suited for a wide range of indoor uses.
Despite its strength, however, untreated Ash is not durable in external environments, and is only recommended for indoor applications.
Typically, Ash timber boasts a warm, light creamy hue, although it can range from a pristine white to a gentle light brown. The wood exhibits a distinctive grain pattern, with lines that create darker figures, adding character to the timber.
Ash trees feature paler sapwood, located towards the outer edges of the trunk, and darker heartwood, found nearer to the center.
Olive Ash
Ash's heartwood occasionally takes on a significantly deeper hue compared to the sapwood, a feature known as "Olive Ash". This characteristic can vary from tree to tree, contributing to Ash’s unique and captivating nature.
Uses & Qualities
Common Uses:
Flooring, Tabletops & Worktops, Furniture & Cabinet Making, Steam Bending, Interior Joinery, Tool Making, Sports Equipment, Turnery, Crafting, Decorative Woodwork
- Hardwearing (indoors) - Shock Resistant - High Flexibility - Medium to Course Texture -
Glues and finishes well
Pre-boring is reccommended before screwing or nailing
Machines well, with moderate blunting effect on blades and tools
Flexible, responds well to steam bending
Ash's durability and shock resistance make it an excellent choice for flooring. This has also made Ash the traditional choice for crafting wooden tools and sports equipment as the timber absorbs impact well.
In addition to its strength Ash is a flexible timber and bends well, making it an ideal choice for creating curved pieces such as those found in chairs, and it is particularly popular for steam bending.
The clean and consistent appearance of Ash can contribute to its popularity among makers seeking uniformity in their designs. In interiors, Ash's consistent colouring and figure create cohesion, while its striking yet elegant grain still allows for originality between boards.
However, at the same time, Ash’s contrasting heart and sapwood can give rise to beautiful designs that play with the interplay of light and dark.